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Testimony Time!

Storm Breakers is dedicated to it's singular mission: to promote mental health within the Christian community.

My name is D.M. Samms. I'm a Biblical Counselor, specializing in helping others overcome depression. And I have a bit of a testimony. I had no idea that I struggled for the majority of my life with depression. With my first suicidal ideation at 8 years old, I thought that this was just a part of life. Later, as a coping mechanism, I developed an addiction to drugs and alcohol. I spent about 2 months homeless, sleeping on friend's couches and in my car. Life turned around when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior. I got a job, found a beautiful bride, and had two incredible children. And things got better. For a while.

I was still unknowingly struggling with depression. As time continued, my marriage began to fail; my career hung in the balance; and my parenthood was abysmal. Life did not seem worth living. After a particularly hard 5 year episode, I couldn't take anymore! I finally began to seek out God to help me overcome this battle. I learned that I had not been trusting Him or applying the concepts from the Bible into my life. I knew I had to change. And in that moment of surrender, God began to reveal to me the principals He laid out in the Bible to overcome depression.

I am honored to now declare that God has set me free from what the Bible calls a spirit of Heaviness! The most appropriate way I have found to describe my transformation is this: imagine living life in black and white and everything suddenly appears in color. The vibrancy and joy that I began to experience was like nothing I had ever fathomed! With my new found freedom, my marriage began to heal; my career was strengthened; and my relationship with my children blossomed. And most importantly, my relationship with Jesus Christ was stronger than ever before.

From that freedom came a necessity to fulfill a lifelong dream of helping others overcome their mental struggles. Only now I get to do it through Biblical means. That is what Storm Breakers was founded on.

Through Biblical Counseling, lectures and seminars, and literature, we are determined to help people Silence the Storm of mental turmoil, just as Jesus commanded the wind and waves in Mark 4:39.

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